This site houses my creative summary on the second of the 19-volume Biographical Memoirs.

Biographical Memoirs is the biography of St. John Bosco.

Thanks for dropping by.

-Novice Donnie

Monday, December 10, 2007

A Day of Anguish

April 5, 1846 was a Palm Sunday. It was a day of bitter affection on top of the other problems he needed to confront. He had to tell the boys where to meet the following Sunday. But despite all his inquiries, his efforts were in vain.

Every suitable place was denied to him.

That very morning, the boys who came were invited to Don Bosco to have a pilgrimage to Mary—to appeal to her. Despite the merrymaking, the dancing and the cheers, the boys noticed how Don Bosco was aloof to them for the very fist time. Some of them came to him to accompany him. But his reply was: "No boys, go and play, I need to be alone."

Several of the boys, who were near him saw him lift his tearful eyes to heaven and heard him cry.

"My God, why don't you show me where I can gather these boys? Please let me know."

Don Bosco hasn't finished speaking when a certain Pancrazio Soave showed up in the field. He approached Don Bosco and told him about a place where he could gather his boys. The unexpected offer was like a glow of light amid dark clouds.

Don Bosco immediately followed Pancrazio to see the place of a certain Francis Pinardi. He left the boys to the company of a priest.

Don Bosco examined the place. It was a little two-story house with a worm-eaten staircase and balcony.

Francis Pinardi was delighted with the fact that one of the rooms in his will be transformed into a church. The contract for lease per year was a done deal at 320 lire.

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