This site houses my creative summary on the second of the 19-volume Biographical Memoirs.

Biographical Memoirs is the biography of St. John Bosco.

Thanks for dropping by.

-Novice Donnie

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

A Serious Illness

One Sunday afternoon, after his very tiring activities at the Oratory, he returned to his room at the Refuge and suffered a fainting spell which forced him into bed.

Soon, this sickness developed into bronchitis with a vigorous cough. A week after, Don Bosco was critical. Fr. Borel went to the Oratory to administer the victims to Don Bosco. The boys were in grief:

Don Bosco wrote the following comment on his illness.

"I think I was fully prepared to die at that moment. I was sorry to leave my boys, but I was glad to end my days knowing that the Oratory now had a permanent base."

The display of affection of the boys went beyond words. They stormed the heavens with their prayers. They also offered promises and sacrifices for Don Bosco's recovery.

The morning after, two of Don Bosco's doctors came to see him. They're expecting him to be gone, but when they felt his pulse, they told him "Don Bosco, you have a good reason to go to La Consolata and thank the Madonna."

No pen could describe the joy which filled everyone's heart when it became known that Don Bosco's condition had improved.

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