This site houses my creative summary on the second of the 19-volume Biographical Memoirs.

Biographical Memoirs is the biography of St. John Bosco.

Thanks for dropping by.

-Novice Donnie

Monday, December 10, 2007

Memorable Outings

Hike to Superga was the first of a long series of similar excursions to various other places in the years that followed. Don Bosco generally announced them in advance and offered them as a type of reward for coming to the Oratory regularly, learning the catechism well, behaving oneself at work, and not being averse to approaching the sacraments from time to time.

Although no constraint was used to enforce discipline, there was never the least disorder. There were no fights, no complaints, no attempts at stealing fruit or anything else.

On the contrary, people who would see the boys as they lined up for the long walk were amazed at their discipline and politeness.

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