This site houses my creative summary on the second of the 19-volume Biographical Memoirs.

Biographical Memoirs is the biography of St. John Bosco.

Thanks for dropping by.

-Novice Donnie

Monday, December 10, 2007

Disturbing Rumors

Don Bosco immersed himself with his boys. And even those friends dear to him persuaded him to give up the project. Several who had attended the seminary and the Convitto with him discouraged him. "You are compromising the good name of priesthood."

And then, the unexpected happened. Because of his obsession to work with his boys, nasty rumors circulated questioning his sanity.

Several good priests all came to him to convince him to reconsider his apostolate and shift to more productive ones. However, it must be noted that not all his fellow priests abandoned him in those most trying days. Fransoni never abandoned him. Fr. Fransoni continued his support to the Oratory.

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