This site houses my creative summary on the second of the 19-volume Biographical Memoirs.

Biographical Memoirs is the biography of St. John Bosco.

Thanks for dropping by.

-Novice Donnie

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

A Decisive Choice

The benefactor of Don Bosco, Marchioness Barolo, returned to Turin after gaining the desired result from the Sacred Congregation of Bishops (This is the branch of the Church hierarchy that approves new religious congregations). The constitutions of he Institute were amended and approved!

She was updated about the opposition of the city hall to his Oratory, and the various rumors circulating about Don Bosco. She immediately went to her sisters and begged them to storm the heavens with their prayers to Don Bosco.

Because of the tiring and burdensome activities of Don Bosco, the marchioness decided to lighten his load and even offered her 5,000 lire for a medical treatment she thought he deserved.

But she did not stop there. She made Don Bosco choose between her Refuge and the boys.

Don Bosco responded with gentleness and all humility:

"I have already thought it over, and I can give you my answer now: You have money and means, and you will have no trouble in finding all the priests you want to direct your institutes. But poor boys have nothing, and that is why I cannot and must not forsake them. If I were to give them up now, the work of several years would be lost… I am giving up this post to devote myself more fully to the care of these boys."

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