This site houses my creative summary on the second of the 19-volume Biographical Memoirs.

Biographical Memoirs is the biography of St. John Bosco.

Thanks for dropping by.

-Novice Donnie

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

First Growth and Difficulties

The young people heard about Don Bosco and his festive oratory, and so, they would all flock to him on Sundays and holy days.

Although Don Bosco was pleased about the multitude of young people he would meet, it also became a source of anxiety because of the limited space for him and for his boys.

He, too, realized that games are necessary to persuade boys to attend the catechism classes. As a stop-gap measure, he would lead the boys beyond the city limits for excursions, and where space is infinitely limited for his boys to play.

Soon, the boys reached 80 already. The sacristy will not be enough to accommodate the boys for the catechism classes. He addressed this by establishing two sessions of catechism classes. This set-up continued for about two years.

On Sundays and holy days, he would hear the confessions of the boys. The boys would patiently form line, which would last for hours, just so they can confess their sins to Don Bosco.

After the Holy Mass, he would celebrate the Mass and distribute holy communion. Before bidding good bye to them, he would first deliver some instructions to faith.


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