This site houses my creative summary on the second of the 19-volume Biographical Memoirs.

Biographical Memoirs is the biography of St. John Bosco.

Thanks for dropping by.

-Novice Donnie

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

A Spiritual Guide

In 1844, the Convitto witnessed a change in its leadership. One of its professors and its founding director in the person of Don Louis Guala had to rest due to health reasons. Don Joseph Cafasso took the helm in teaching Moral theology. Don Bosco assisted him.

Don Bosco had this to say about his spiritual director, Don Cafasso:

"His profound knowledge of moral, ascetic and mystical theology combined with his alert insight and sharp discernment of souls enabled him to fathom and sum up in a few words the ability, piety, earning and propensities and capabilities of each of his student-priests."

Don Bosco confided everything to Don Cafasso. He shared with him his desire to become a religious and even his idea of becoming a missionary.

However, Don Cafasso seemed to have read Don Bosco's soul, and perhaps, he has seen his future. Like a tailor in one of Don Bosco's dream, which he shared also with Don Cafasso, he should devote himself in mending the future of poor and abandoned youth.

Hence, Don Bosco's attempt to belong to a religious congregation or to pursue missionary work did not materialize.

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